Haridwar aKumbh mela and the challenges

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The recent news released about the upcoming Maha Kumbha Mela, the government panned to began the pre-requirement for Kumbha Mela such as cleaning the rivers and making public toilets, etc. Kumbhamela celebrated in the cycle of approximately 12 years in the pilgrimage river bank of Prayag raj, Haridwar, Nashik, and Ujjain.
The government began the planning from January, but let us think about the current pandemic effect over the Indian subcontinent and this massive gathering.

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Kumbha Mela had a long history and a large number of people gathered to participate in the ritual of the holy bath in the pilgrimage site. But it was a hard thing to stop the ritual or control the ritual because it was a famous religious festival for Hindus one of the largest cultural gatherings in the world.
National Mission for Clean Ganga already decided to clean Ganga and related activities. The water ministry already gave permission to hand over the fund to the Uttarakhand government to build a community toilet and making the accommodation setting etc. But these are not the challenges, exactly the main problem was approximately 30 million people participated in the ritual, their health and safety were one of the biggest challenges.  But the government is more optimistic about the situation, they believed that the pandemic effect should be slow down very soon so no need for worrying.


Kumbha Mela has other significant importance to, it was one of the peaceful gatherings in the world also consider as the largest
congregation of religious pilgrims. It has been inscribed on the UNESCO representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.almost 30 million people attended the Prayag raj, Kumbha Mela, in 2013.
Its mythological history was in the time of  Samudra Manthan, finally, the pot of amrita, the nectar of immortality came out. But both the gods and demons fight each other to get the pot to gain the stage of immortality. The pot is spilled at four places that are the origin of Kumbha Mela.
Kumbha Mela is our culture beyond the sense of political dimension, but the present condition is too dangerous and uncontrollable. Make the safety maximum, provide more primary conditions like healthcare, public safety and try to reduce the transmitting rate of the virus, keep the life safe



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