Indian culture the mixture of civilization
                        Sri Vairavimada Kaliamman Temple in Toa Payoh, Singapore, by the artist Lee Weng Fatt          
Indian culture is the real base stone to the cultural heritage to the humanoid lines.existence and power of the civilization spread out to the world through innovation that they did in the field of social structure, art, linguistic and religious identity both the religious and philosophical school of thought. Indian cultural foundation starts from the post-Harappan periods, the Vedic era, the cultural heritage that created with the four division or the foundation of wisdom the Vedas.some of the holy rituals in different corners over different groups of Vedic sect reminiscence the post-Vedic time. but Indian culture is not the outcome of a single monolithic religious identity or a sect, it was actually the logical outcome of conglomerative philosophical schools like Buddhism, Jainism, charva, Vaishnava shiva sect and different panties of extreme materialist society similar to the modern.but all these content consist of the rich and solid support of philosophical basement of Indian culture.
when you consider Buddhism, the colonial historians and some of them believed that it was the counterpart Hinduism. but it was different when you analyze the spirituality and the theology but similar to that of the path they created.
another interesting thing that was inside the Hinduism it consists of more contrasting thought and opposite ideologies. when you consider Shaivism, devoters of lord shiva and the Vaishnavism, devoters of lord Vishnu they all fighting each other, to show the supremacy over the society, finally rulers engaged on it then it leads to more violent wars and cultural conflict. for example, the rulers of marath , attacked the Tirumala temple and saratha temple in Kashmir, just because these are the place belonging to the Vaishnava sect.
but the more interesting fact is the Muslim era in the cultural development of India. Muslim rulers believed that the temples where the site royal kingship, each ruler contribute most of the wealth to the temple to show that they were strong and rich, valor and divine in the sense of character .so Muslim believe that to attack the temple and plundered the wealth is similar to that of defeat the king in an indirect way, they do that.
                                 Image of Nataraja

         The combination of both Muslim and Hindu .there is a Mughal goddess in the Hindu temple .there are Muslim wife are there for goddess Vishnu.    Samantha temple attack by Mahmud of Ghazni purely based on the factors of wealth and richness. he attacked the temple 17 times.
Ibrahim Adil shah second was the greatest of Bijapur rulers and styled himself the son of the Hindu gods Saraswathi and Ganapathi.
Book Culture, Royal Libraries, and Persianate Painting in Bijapur ...
this is a portrait of the goddess Saraswathi commissioned by Ibrahim Adil shah second, where she appears not like the conventional Hindu depictions, but like a Muslim princess, in customs, pose as well as setting, embodying the eclectic culture of early modern Deccan.
this what I am saying that Indian culture is the mosaic of all religious identity.
Sikkim is the combination of both Hindu and Muslim religious customs and practices.their philosophical thought also the mixing of Muslim, Hinduism and the transformational identity which means cultural additions of new thought by our society.

Mughal period is the Persian cultural mixing with Indian, mainly in the field of architecture painting and the ruling systems over the cultural identity.
Akbar invented new religion and another Sufi culture introduces to Indian culture in the Muslim era.
but the enormous e amount of wisdom that created by the culture is infinite compare to any other ancient civilization that make our culture to be strong but its essence always politically polluted in the present condition.but the foreigners like Mughals, sultanate, etc mixed their culture with us and created a strong beautiful dimension to the culture.
       This company school painting depicting the ‘Merchant being transported by Bearers’ represents the British influence on art as well as the way natives traveled in India. The Sedan Chair shown in the painting marks the influence of the English litters. Company School paintings emerged under the connoisseurship of British East India Company during the 18th and 19th Century India. This kind of work developed by these artists undertaken in European style came to be known as ‘Company School Painting’.
but the British made our culture in a westernized manner primarily focused on their administrative purpose. but the British believed that Indian history is like a more complicated account and myth.  so the first, the thing they have done is they created the history of India, done by Scottish economist and political philosopher James mill, he published the three-volume of a mass book called the history of British India. but the more important thing in his book is mills classification. he divided Indian history into Hindu, Muslim and British in which the Hindu period studied based on the Sanskrit text Muslim period by Persian text and British by English language sources. but the problems were beyond AD1200 the Sanskrit sources decline gradually, you can find anything beyond it but it does not mean that the end of it was not expectable. but the impotence was it was the first attempt to classify the Indian culture bases on religious identity.
         Illustration of East York militia from The Costume of Yorkshire (1814) by George Walker (1781-1856).
but the massive loot and administrative vulnerability make Indian people combine to be in a single roof. Indian national movement plays a critical step to form national integrity and can find that Indian freedom struggle is also the biggest protest ever done against the British rule.our nationalism is purely based on secular socialistic democratic values based system, the largest democratic country in the globe.


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