Autorickshaw ambassador

 An ambassador to a country is the symbol of the diplomatic representation of their nation, the voice, and the authority of the government. Usually, every government focuses more on their need s, wellness, to strengthen the diplomatic relationship of the country through the cultural exchange. An ambassador is a position having fame, glory, and status, moving luxurious cars, living in high-class facilities is the symbol of diplomatic life.
When you look at those things in the Mexican embassy in India, of course, you find an autorickshaw in front of wonder an auto-rickshaw, because this is the official vehicle of Mexican ambassador to India.
 She says I am living in India and traveled across India, she also traveled public autorickshaw, then why can I use it, what is the problem?
when she submitted the paper to the ministry to get permission to use the autorickshaw as an official vehicle, they become wondered and said like, madam are sure? what about your public safety? etc.
Finally, she got permission. A Mexican artist changes the look of autorickshaw and modified it with amazing colores. finally, the vehicle of the common man become ended up to the diplomatic symbol of Indian and Mexico. The Mexican flag began fluttered to the wind in India.
Then she also remembered her experience at the Indian parliament. Parliament area was completely banned to use three-wheel vehicles over its compound. The guard where wonder, a modified autorickshaw with a Mexican flag and the diplomatic nameplate, they little confused finally did not allow to enter or park in parliament.she says the parliament is the place of commons, but their common vehicle did not have the permission to entered. She asks permission tho the speaker of loksabha .finally she got permission to entered her autorickshaw to the place of Indian democracy.

To know and to respect once the culture is not an easy way. It spread out from the bottom of our hearts.As an ambassador, she thinks differently, and she got a space not in Indian history but in the heart of every Indian.


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