Economical lockdown and the economic sluggishness in the rural economy

  COVID-19 Worldwide: The Pandemic's Impact On The Economy And Markets               Novel corona -19 was a dangerous one, because it causes a tragic loss of life, effected the normal social life, destroy the basic economic systems of the world economy. So This is the time of the nasty pandora box was opened, and it ready to destroy the normal social and economic balance of the world. The most of the economy was in a crucial time and hardly try to recover their economy in its normal form, for example, the pandemic impact on us market showed the existence of upcoming economic depression and another strategic moment.  

Indian economy is not different from those impacts, but the important thing was, we had less impact by corona that compares to other largest economic countries. It was beneficial to Indian in many ways, for example, the low price of petroleum due to the outbreak impact of OPEC countries is beneficial to the Indian economy. But the challenge was we should recover fast this is the factor help the Indian economy. But simultaneously we have to think and analyze much more about the internal impact caused by the outbreak. Some of the recent events show that the importance and realities of the rural economy and its contribution. Indian is an agricultural-based economy and our primary sector is largely contributed to rural areas.
according to the 2011 census, 68.8% population and 72.4% of the total workforce is contributed from the Indian rural economy.But it was not a healthy data because when we compared the population over the period of 2001-2011 urban areas show 31.8%  increase and rural show just 12.8% increase this is due to the effect of rural-urban migration, so this is the best and suitable time to discuss the importance and challenges by this rural-urban migration.

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 look at the picture at the time of lockdown in the northern states of India. The urban workers marching to their native villages hundreds of miles away but the absence of public transport they ready to move by foot, the reason is that not by the pandemic effect it is just a factor, they lived the cities in years they contributed their workforce to the urban economy and the part of the informal economy but it doesn't provide any protection and dignity, exigencies.
Coronavirus reveals the Indian reality of social and economic inequalities of rural-urban sectors. 
But the population projection of rural-urban migration indicates that India will continue to be predominantly rural till the year 2050 after which the urban population is estimated to overtake according to the un past report published in 2012.
Rural-urban migration is based to create and explores better economic and employment opportunities in urban cities but the low wage migrant from a rural area lived in unhygienic conditions and deprived conditions compared to their native place.
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 Then let us think about how to overcome this problem, how to create a stronger rural economy, and create more employment rates in the economy.
Know the rural economic activities are based on two types one purely based on the primary sector of the agricultural-based economy and nonfarm sectors.this is the strongest economical section with a high rate of increase, for example, an in1970-71 to2011-2012 rural economy increase from Rs 229 billion to Rs 34167 billion in values.
The growth rate in the output and employment shows large variation across the sector and over different periods, which is very useful to understand the transition of the rural economy of the country.

Overcome this economic scenario by implementing new policies, some of them are already implemented but it was essential in critical emergency times like pandemic, depression.
our priority should be in the field of public infrastructure, social welfare, and production. Basic infrastructure development in a rural area means encouraging agrarian to rural cities with better health facilities, clean water, electricity better educational facilities.I thing we need a more private oriented controlled system of healthcare with advanced medical facilities in a rural area by skilled and efficient health workers.
As recent lockdown time government focused on the production sector because due to the harvesting time, but basic facilities both the field and beyond the field are not good in condition. The government did not concentrate more on because of plenty of availability of rabi crops and we had a sufficient amount of grains available and stored by the government it is useful to more than three years. But provide much more freedom and priority to the farmers boost the primary sector in this lockdown period so it is essential for our economy.
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promote productivity and manufacture and agricultural output make more benefits to the total economy.
Then prevent rural-urban migration by providing and creating better economic opportunities and conditions in the rural sector. The rural women workforce is larger and their wages are lower than that of men in similar work. Make equal wages without any gender discrimination by the control of government s eye like connecting rural employment system to  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. Provide productive employment category by skilled and efficient employees by skill development program. This thing helps to boost the rural economy in this pandemic time. It helps us to avoid run miles and miles migration of rural people and help to avoid returning from the city without any profit and dignity as a part of that informal economy in a crucial period of time.
make rural economy to the total economy.


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