The story of activeness and how to overcome the emotional imbalance.

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Every success full man on the planet has their own story and their own way toward success. How those way s and methods help us to achieve our own pinnacle of success. turn on to find things to find your own self-motivation. because any motivation from any external source exists just the time required to change your thought and views, it was just a bubble formed in the water, so the external motivation span is short, so you find your inner motivation and happiness, how this is possible ?.yes it is possible by a simple technique you should deeply love with your soul because you completely know about your relations, your friends, your relatives then how much that you know about your self if the answer is nothing, sure that you are a body without existence. 
           Tree of life tattoo design version 1 by DowrickDesign on DeviantArt
but to conquer the physical world without existence is not possible. if you fail to conquer the physical world obviously you can not enter the world of spiritual consciousness, the world of supreme reality of your existence.these are the factors which influence the strength and power of your inner happiness , emotional independence, and the inner happiness, but some times your externa strength help you to achive your imotinal imbalence but iam sure than it was a short-term existence. but the root of emotional independence spread out from inner thought and inner state of existence.but its visibility depends upon the physical realities.
What are emotional imbalance means, don’t think much more complicated and psychologically analyzed answer to it, because it's just a destructive process of knowing what happens in our mind. another way you can define it any kind of distraction of my state and my mind by the overflow of the emotional entity we can call as an emotional imbalance.

Our body is the combination of five importent coordinative sence of organ with its enormous uses and priceless values. 
ancient Indian sages constantly working and searched for, to find the realities of the existence of the soul, and they learned how to control and sit in the pinnacle of supreme state of consciousness.
here I will share with you two simple and easy ancient tips to know who you are and attain the emotional independence or the supreme salvation.

my first point of success, make sure that you ar  
e an early morning person because early morning is the time of wisdom ., I mean this is the time were your brain show more activeness,.because Indian culture and philosophy point out that the time of early morning is the time Brahma, the crater of the universe, so the working efficiency and outcome are the huge and longlasting the time is known as Brahma muhurta. if it is hard for you then take my tip to wake before sunrise. if it's doing it your efficient time is increased .your mind and turn to fresh.try it feels the change.
 my second tips do not consider as an exercise it was a part of our life.get ready to welcome the sun with beautifully arranged surya namskara. I am not saying any kind of exercise becuse srya namaskara ls not a exercise .it is a mode of strengtheing of your sole throgh your body movement. get start with it feel the differce within one it slowly focus your breath, its benefits not depend on how much is that you did,it depends upon how you feel it, the span of time that you observed your breath.hope that you can feel the change.
you may doubt is these changes my life? but iam sure it will rearrange the dimension of your sole , its make and sharpen the better version o your self.


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